Friday, February 11, 2011

DAY 27

DAY 27 - Thursday; 


Ok, even after four weeks of going to Nick's Pro Fitness for my "6 Week Fitness Challenge", I will NEVER get used to working out the evening before a morning workout.  There is something about finishing up a grueling workout at 7:30PM, getting home around 8PM, and then having to wake up early the next morning at 5:00AM to do it all over again! It kicks my butt every time.  And then my legs and arms are sore for the remainder of the day! What gives?!

Here is the other part of the equation, though, regarding my early morning workout on Thursday.  And believe me when I tell you, it was the root cause of great anxiety the entire time was in PA! During the pre-workout stretching, Nick called me out and sent me the dreaded SCALE!  ("Dreaded" is a true adjective for the scale at Nick's Pro Fitness)  You see, the unassuming white flat box, with a tall, skinny pole and smaller box on top, determines your fate at Nick's.  It has the power to make your workout either a good one, or a nightmare of a workout.  It has the power to hurt you, or just send you back in line with everyone else.  It is what Nick uses to determine your level of commitment to his workouts!  This little digital scale was about to give Nick all of the information he really cared about to determine how I used my time during my trip to Pennsylvania, and I was nervous.

5 lbs!  Yup, you read that right.  5lbs.  That is how much weight I LOST during my week away from Nick's.  WOO-HOO!  My shoulders suddenly loosened up and dropped about 3 inches at the site of the weight loss.  Nick just looked, nodded with approval, and sent me back in line with everyone else. I passed, and I was pumped.  NO extra mountain climbers for this guy!  I have now lost a total of 12lbs during my four weeks at Nick's.  It doesn't sound like much, but I have noticed (and so did my wife) that there is added muscle on my body.  We all know that muscle weighs more than fat!  As Nick likes to say: "it isn't so much the weight loss that matters, it's the Body Fat Index that really tells the story of your body".  Nick will do a follow-up testing of my body fat index next week to see how much fat I have lost.  That will tell us both how this whole challenge has affected me.

And away we went on to the morning's workout.  I still struggled to keep up with the exercises, and was winded for much of the time, but I felt good about it.  Now I just have to keep dropping those pounds, and both Nick and I will be happy campers.

Thank you for reading.
Jeffrey Bowers
Director of Sales
Denver Life Magazine

1 comment:

  1. Jeff,
    Losing five pounds while you were GONE (!) is a great achievement! That's wonderful!!!
    This morning was horribly tough -- hope you survive tonight. ;)
    Congrats on your continued progress!
